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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - honest


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Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you describe someone as honest, you mean that they always tell the truth, and do not try to deceive people or break the law. I know she’s honest and reliable. ADJ • honestly She fought honestly for a just cause and for freedom. ADV: ADV after v 2. If you are honest in a particular situation, you tell the complete truth or give your sincere opinion, even if this is not very pleasant. I was honest about what I was doing... He had been honest with her and she had tricked him!... = frank ADJ • honestly It came as a shock to hear an old friend speak so honestly about Ted. = frankly ADV: ADV with v 3. You say ‘honest’ before or after a statement to emphasize that you are telling the truth and that you want people to believe you. (INFORMAL) I’m not sure, honest. ADV: ADV with cl c darkgreen]emphasis 4. Some people say ‘honest to God’ to emphasize their feelings or to emphasize that something is really true. (INFORMAL) I wish we weren’t doing this, Lillian, honest to God, I really do... PHRASE: PHR with cl, PHR n c darkgreen]emphasis 5. You can say ‘to be honest’ before or after a statement to indicate that you are telling the truth about your own opinions or feelings, especially if you think these will disappoint the person you are talking to. To be honest the house is not quite our style... PHRASE: PHR with cl c darkgreen]feelings
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См. в других словарях

   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~us honorable, from honos, honor honor  Date: 14th century  1.  a. free from fraud or deception ; legitimate, truthful an ~ plea  b. genuine, real making ~ stops at stop signs — Christian Science Monitor  c. humble, plain good ~ food  2.  a. reputable, respectable ~ decent people  b. chiefly British good, worthy  3. creditable, praiseworthy an ~ day's work  4.  a. marked by integrity  b. marked by free, forthright, and sincere expression ; frank an ~ appraisal  c. innocent, simple  Synonyms: see upright  II. adverb  Date: 1596  1. in an ~ manner ; ~ly I have ever found thee ~ true — Shakespeare  2. with all sincerity I didn't do it, ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & adv. --adj. 1 fair and just in character or behaviour, not cheating or stealing. 2 free of deceit and untruthfulness, sincere. 3 fairly earned (an honest living). 4 (of an act or feeling) showing fairness. 5 (with patronizing effect) blameless but undistinguished (cf. WORTHY). 6 (of a thing) unadulterated, unsophisticated. --adv. colloq. genuinely, really. Phrases and idioms earn (or turn) an honest penny earn money fairly. honest broker a mediator in international, industrial, etc., disputes (orig. of Bismarck). honest Injun colloq. genuinely, really. honest-to-God (or -goodness) colloq. adj. genuine, real. --adv. genuinely, really. make an honest woman of colloq. marry (esp. a pregnant woman). Etymology: ME f. OF (h)oneste f. L honestus f. honos HONOUR ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. честный an honest man —- честный (порядочный) человек poor but honest —- беден, но честен honest employment —- честный труд; честное занятие an honest living —- честно заработанные средства к существованию; честный заработок honest means —- честные (законные) средства honest sweat —- трудовой пот to be honest —- быть честным as honest a man as ever lived (as ever broke bread, as ever trod on earth) —- честнейший (порядочнейший) человек, честнейшая душа 2. правдивый; прямой, искренний; откровенный an honest face (countenance) —- открытое (честное) лицо honest confession —- чистосердечное признание to give an honest opinion —- откровенно выразить свое мнение to be honest with oneself —- не обманывать себя to be honest in one's repentance —- быть искренним в раскаянии, искренне раскаиваться to be quite honest about it —- разг. говоря чистосердечно (откровенно, начистоту) to be honest, I was wrong —- честно говоря, я ошибся I shall be honest with you —- разг. скажу вам откровенно, не буду скрывать; я буду с вами искренен (откровенен) 3. добросовестный; верный an honest effort (attempt) —- добросовестные усилия, честная попытка an honest piece of work —- добросовестно выполненная работа an honest judge —- неподкупный судья honest chronicler —- беспристрастный летописец; объективный историк to be honest to one's principles —- быть верным принципам 4....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  adj.  1) честный to be quite honest about it - откровенно говоря  2) правдивый, искренний  3) настоящий, подлинный, нефальсифицированный  4) целомудренный, нравственный to make an honest woman of smb. - жениться на соблазненной девушке; прикрыть грех законным браком - honest girl Syn: see sincere HONEST to God честное слово HONEST girl порядочная девушка ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~ adj 1 »CHARACTER« someone who is honest does not lie or steal etc  (It was very honest of him to give them the money back. | an old woman with a plain, honest face you could trust | scrupulously honest (=always very honest))  (She is scrupulously honest in all her business dealings.) 2 »STATEMENT/ANSWER ETC« not hiding the truth or the facts about something  (an honest answer | let's be honest)  (Let's be honest - the only reason she married him was for his money. | be honest with sb)  (I'm not sure if Joe was being completely honest with me when he said he'd never met them before. | be honest about sth)  (At least he's been honest about it.) 3 to be honest spoken used when you tell someone what you really think  (To be honest, I don't like him very much.) 4 honest! spoken used to try to make someone believe you  (I didn't mean to hurt him, honest!) 5 honest to God spoken used to emphasize that something you say is really true 6 »WORK« honest work is done without cheating, using your own efforts  (I bet he's never done an honest day's work in his life! | earn an honest living)  (Young families struggling even to earn an honest living.) 7 »ORDINARY/GOOD PEOPLE« honest people are not famous or special, but behave in a good, socially acceptable way  (She came from a good, honest, working-class background.) 8 make an honest woman (out) of old-fashioned to marry a woman because she is going to have a baby ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 13c., from O.Fr. honeste, from L. honestus "honorable, respected," from honos (see honor). In early use it also meant "repsectable, of neat appearance," or "virtuous." Honesty is O.Fr. honestй, from L. honestatem (nom. honestas) "honor, honesty," from honestus. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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